Sunday, November 05, 2006

Time to put it on record...

Dah lama nak buat ni..tapi asyik bz jer..tapi after yesterday, mmg aku kene buat laa...sebab aku letih nak crita kat org, senang org baca/tgk kat nak keep some sort of record...and to pay homage to the one person who made it all aku tak nak sebut sapa laa..yg dah tau, pls keep it to urself...

so wat happened yesterday? Lepas sampai KL dari Perak,we all went to HSL at the Curve, to pick up a 42" LG Plasma TV. Diorang call my wife last week masa kitorang kat Miri..told us to wait for the letter. Grand Prize oooo...Alhamdulillah...

Nasib baik muat kereta...Wish we could have picked up the tv earlier, antar kampung, tp mcm letak at our house ler son say "abg nak pinjam jer"...hehe...

this is the latest prize...Actually mmg byk...t-shirt, key-chain, handphone (3 kot, including yg my wife and i skang guna), cd, kasut, iron, mesin basuh (2), dvd player...etc,etc...
before this, about 2 weeks ago, I went to Karangkraf (dah byk kali pi situ), to pick up not 1, but 2 prizes, altho actually one of them i lambat amik..nasib baik they still give...a sony CD walkman, and a futsal ball...receptionist tu ckp, asyik menang jer org Bote ni...dia pun org Bote...hehe..Walkman Pak Ngah dah bwk balik kpg, bg Pak Su...bola Pak Su bagi ayahnyer la yg amik kot..wakakaka

1 comment:

Bob said...

apa da tempat letak tv kecik....